Happy birthday to my sister-in-law, Leslie, and happy anniversary to Greg’s parents! I know times are trying but we, and all of the family, support and love you. This will pass. The great memories from the […]
How was your Mom’s Day? I purposely didn’t write a post for this special occasion because I’ve been known to spill the beans. You see, my family put together a great gift for my mom a […]
As I peruse my favorite grocery section this spring, produce, it is apparent a few factors (economical/weather-related…along the lines of La Nina and its effect on the rainy/extended “winter” season) have contributed to there being less […]
Quick update: extended deadline is needed for the bank to decide to approve us for the house (new deadline to be discussed with agent tomorrow), extended deadline on snow (it’s snowing again @%!&*), and we might […]
Happy birthday to my brother-in-law Ted on this Tuesday! I’m sure Hong (his loving wife) and one month old son Matthew will make this day special. The “holy hell this winter thing will be going on […]
Phew, I made it back. The visit with the in-laws was great. My husband and I did indeed show them our part of the world in Minnesota and they now know where we reside and how […]
Just a few words about my ultimate potato soup before the recipe. Not even the lameness of using the word ‘ultimate’ can hurt this dish. Trust me. Potato soup is my chosen variety of potage. If […]
And now we’re back to that time of year. Snow time. It caught me off guard this weekend. I’m completely unprepared for snow and cold. Sure there were meteorologists calling for the 4-letter “s” word in […]