Guys, I think my skills are hitting an all-time high. Things are clicking better than ever in the kitchen. I’m in the zone, a relaxing-but-focused zone. Best of all: I am not taking the time to […]
I am still rocking the kitchen. Not because I’m fat and the new house has a lean to it in that particular room. There it is. The kitchen. In all its glory. So it needs some […]
At the Wits yesterday I shared what many people have probably been waiting for from me for a few years regarding our home improvements-“the befores and afters.” In a few months we plan to put the […]
I started Whole 30-an elimination and reintroduction diet/health program/lifestyle similar to Paleo but stricter (a controversial topic for me because I tend to side on the side that thinks Paleo is dumb…just for what some have […]
I’ll share what I share over there. That’d be the kitchen renovation we’re in the process of doing. Over there being the blog I have written at far more recently and often than here, the Wits. […]
I’m just going to casually slip in. Hoping it goes unnoticed that I have again been absent for over a month (nearing two). How’s life? How’s the fam? How’s the weather? Stressful, good, turning cold/about to […]
Here is that recipe I promised you last week. The one to go along with the homemade creme fraiche I told you about. It comes from Ree the Pioneer Woman whom I trust very much when […]
You know what I like besides pina coladas and getting caught in the rain*? When you take something that is seen as gourmet and usually pretty spendy at the store (if you can even find it) […]