Have you heard of the Fairy Hobmother from Appliances Online? (*As of September 2013 the awesome fairy hung up their wings.*) Don’t doubt the existence of this person/phenomena and don’t be hatin’ on an offer from a complete stranger you meet on the internet this time because I was given (gratis/free/complimentary) a blender!

The story being that I visited my friend Monet’s blog, Anecdotes and Apple Cores. Her post mentioned that she was given a food processor by the fairy and that perhaps by leaving a comment, with mention of a kitchen tool/appliance you could use, maybe you’d also be visited by the Hobmother. I mentioned my need of a blender and days later, received a lovely message and the next thing I knew, there was a package on my doorstep. How awesome is that?
This is not a scam. This is a kind, giving, interweb presence. So if you’re in need of a tool or appliance for your kitchen, let me know your wish in a comment and see if you are visited by this kind fairy. Big thanks to you, Fairy Hobmother!
And check out our etsy shop to see my talented, crafty mom’s crochet snowflake ornaments. Seriously awesome. Hey, if stores can pull out the winter/Christmas decor before Halloween so can I. My mama is one creative lady.
I have to say that a blender would be an awesome addition to our large in size but small in counter space kitchen. It’s that one small appliance which would receive some regular use as I love a milk shake from time to time.
Can’t go wrong with a good blender. The one I received is a beast-love it!
We’re cooking a lot more at home (we used to eat out twice a month but now it’s down to 0 because we just can’t afford it anymore) and we could use a dutch oven or a blender. I’d love the dutch oven but The Wife really loves pumpkin shakes and we can’t make one without the blender. Boo.
I hear ya, Bill. I know how much your wife loves pumpkin shakes/ice cream but then again, I use my Dutch oven a few times a week this time of year. Tough decision.
Oh I so want an emersion( stick) blender!
I love making cream soups and now that Fall is here that would be wonderful.
Seems like something always has to come ahead of things like that!
Good choice, Diane. I’m selfish and have both the hand blender and now the stand blender….although I think the blender is more for margaritas right now until I begin with the squash and pumpkins this year. With these high temps in Minnesota, I’m not in the soup mood yet.
Does the Fairy Hobmother fly to Asia? I had to leave behind my stand mixer when we moved to the Philippines – it was simply too big to put in a box for shipping from Minnesota to Manila! Since then, I’ve had to make do with an 18-year-old hand mixer that was a wedding gift. Don’t get me wrong – it’s been a trooper, but now that the holidays are approaching (and Christmas season in the Philippines begins in September!) I could use something a little sturdier to handle all of the baking I plan to do for homemade gifts. Perhaps I should put a cookie beneath my pillow tonight…
Hmmm, they just might! I don’t know what I’d do without mine. Make it a dozen!
Wow, what a great idea, this Fairy Hobmother. I’ve always wanted a pasta attachment for my kitchenaid artisan stand mixer. I watch with envy each time my fave TV chefs feed sheets of fresh pasta through their automatic pasta rollers! To them, it’s something they’ve done a million times; to me, it’s a dream deferred.
I would LOVE a full size food processor, my mini one just doesn’t cut it anymore.
Oooh fun. I need a sauce pan! We moved and ours DISAPPEARED. 🙁 It was a sale item we’d bought off Amazon and we loved it and it was our nicest pan. Maybe the new owner of our old house is using it? Or maybe it accidently got donated to Goodwill? Either way, it needs a replacement. 😉
Dear Fairy Hobmother….I’d really like a new kitchen! I’m tired of my pink wall oven and pink stove top – they aren’t very efficient and are original to the house (built in 1962) we bought 4 years ago (we are only the third owners of the house and the original owner that bought the house loved PINK – guess at one time there was a pink refrigerator too AND I have PINK countertop in the bathroom!)…and I’d like a dishwasher too……..
My daughter’s coffee maker is kaput. I’d love to replace it! Thank you.
I don’t think I want anything just now (an ice cream maker, but that’s just decadent) … but I did want to say that I love your blog, and I loved your guest post over at Monet’s … thanks for sharing the recipe, and looking forward to following here! Such lovely pictures, and wonderful “voice”! 🙂
I’m blushing, Justine! Thank you so much!
I gave my blender to my son when he moved to Austin. I miss it but I know he enjoys making smoothies in it. I would be so grateful to have a blender once again. I love your blog and have picked out a few recipes to try.
That’s sweet, Glenna. Thank you so much!
Dear Fairy hobmother- I would love a juicer! I’ve been trying to eat healthier and I would love to make my own juices rather than going to my local juice bar and spending $6-$10 each time!