Article of the day: China Strength Drives Yum Profit Growth from Business First
My husband’s company works with the Yum Corporation (Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut-there’s a song and dance in there somewhere) among their many clients. They make the booths, tabletops and such so this appealed to me.
Weeks ago, I encountered some cutesy nuts (I’m going to pay for that one somehow) and never found a good time to share the photos so today is the day. I call these “Love Nuts”…I’m really going to pay for this in ridicule.

Yesterday was my post about homemade butter/buttermilk and strawberry sauce for pancakes but I didn’t stop there with the homemade goodness. Oh no, I went even further (on the same day) and made apple-pear sauce (like applesauce).
Why? That sounded good and I had pears and apples a second away from spoiling…so that last part was the largest reason. Use any variety (you’re adding sugar so it won’t matter too much) and although a food mill is suggested, I puréed the mix in a food processor. I followed Carolyn Cope’s recipe (Umami Girl) on Serious Eats but halved and adjusted it to my tastes so it was my idea of the perfect sauce-just enough sugar, a hint of cinnamon, not too watery.

Apple-Pear Sauce
Makes 2 cups
6 tbsp water
3 medium-sized apples and pears (3 of each), washed, quartered, cored, peeled
pinch of salt
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
Bring the water to a boil in a large pot; add the apples and pears with the salt. Cover and reduce the heat to a simmer. Stir frequently, until the shape is lost with the fruit and is soft. Remove from the heat, cool and either use a food mill over a large bowl in batches or a food processor. Puree to desired consistency, then add the sugar and cinnamon, stir well and cool. Place in an airtight storage container and refrigerate. I enjoy this alongside potato pancakes (latkes).
Love your blog! 🙂 In case you’re interested, you can do applesauce in the crock pot. I don’t bother to puree, I just use a potato masher. I like mine chunky. 🙂
Good idea! Thank you!