Over lunch Greg and I chat by instant message. During those times, we talk about important things. Things like how to spell bodily function and other noises (think along the lines of pffft) and goals to […]
Before I walk out the door of the apartment because it’s a nice day and my camera is feeling neglected, I would like to tell you about a great Martha Stewart recipe (yep, another one) that […]
Greg, my husband, had a lovely one day trip to St. Louis. I’ll talk about that tomorrow. He is such a great guy. My St. Patty’s day (yesterday) wasn’t that marvelous but he made it better. […]
Happy 25th anniversary, mom and dad! I hope you had a wonderful weekend full of celebration. Here’s to many more. I love you two! Don’t worry about the Ides of March this day. Ides refer to […]
Thank you to those of you who provided great St. Louis recommendations! You have been so helpful. Greg will be a busy boy, once he gets the actual trip reason out of the way. I want […]
Greg has a one day business trip to St. Louis coming up next week. There’s a country club in distress over their tabletops splitting or something along those lines. Most likely due to the climate in […]
My parent’s 25th anniversary is coming up next week and I can’t really say much because they read my blog- the wonderful, supportive parents they are! I can say that I’m sorry I couldn’t send you […]
I could eat pasta for most of my meals in a week but upon scrolling, scrolling and scrolling some more through my site, you’d never guess how much I enjoy pasta. In my defense, I’ve had […]