Happy announcement time: Greg and I are leaving for our trip to visit family and friends early. That’s right, we’ll be gone in a week, leaving next Friday. (Read that like you’re Oprah introducing her next guest…you know how she does it.) Leaving in a Subaru…I’m trying to write a song that starts with those words.
That means the dabble will be quiet-online strictly-for a few weeks. I’ll be returning hopefully with my mojo intact once again on Monday, September 20th. I need this break. I need inspiration to come back. My mind is reeling and I have ideas for fall but motivation is lacking.
That means I will not only spend quality time with the people I love but I get to celebrate and be present at my mom’s birthday party, which will most likely be mine too since I was born the day after her as some kind of gift (haha), and see my now 2 week old nephew. Blowing my mind.

Unfortunately, this 2 week visit to Indiana will mean no trip there for Christmas. At this moment, that is fine by me. (We’re going to try to go back later in the winter.)
For this “fond of” Friday I thought I’d share an article from the Huffington Post- 35 Food Magazines & Periodicals Rundown. Much appreciation to thekitchn for directing me towards this piece.
It’s no secret that I am a food magazine fiend and when that day comes and there’s one of the several publications I subscribe to in my mail, I do a little dance with squeals of glee. Seriously, I embarrass myself all the time. If you’re fond of that moment too, this is the link for you. Maybe we should get together and share this precious moment so we both don’t feel so odd. Just a thought. Also, if you happen to be in the mood to subscribe to another gourmand publication, this will help you figure out which one tickles your fancy (except the ones that are defunct).
I’ll be back next week but until then, satisfy my nosy nature and tell me what you’re doing for the upcoming Labor Day Weekend. Please. Enjoy this weekend!
[polldaddy poll=3678713]
Have a lovely and safe trip!