Do you remember where you were 8 years ago on September 11th? I do. I had to perform some makeup work for a business ethics course in my first year of college. I was driving to […]
I have a love/hate relationship with mushrooms. I actually would not call it hate but rather a love/feel-sick-to-my-stomach-for-some-odd-reason relationship. No, they are not toadstools. I’ll be eating mushrooms in a meal and suddenly, please don’t make […]
Now this, this was a wonderful weekend. Greg came home around noon Friday and we were off to our local farmer’s market. We met a nice vendor with many varieties of tomatoes. She reported that her […]
I woke up and it hit me, Greg’s sister, the youngest child, turns 18 today. Not only that, my in-laws anniversary is today. Happy birthday, Leslie and happy anniversary, Eva and Big Greg! Greg is named […]
I was going to post one of the dozen recipes that I have made in the last two weeks but thought that my unexpected panini I had for lunch yesterday would be better. I simply had […]