And so it continues with this damn comment issue…I’m sorry, readers. I never imagined it would go on this long or that I would be this upset about it. I’ve updated, tested, researched and contacted my brother-in-law on this one but until he gets a chance to delve into the database, this will go on. Nothing I have done has made an impact. I lost a subscriber today and I’m going to place blame on the comment problem. It may not have been but I don’t want to fathom any other reason.
For any new readers, Fridays at thedabble include links to things I am fond of which is why I reference this day, at the end of the work week, as “fond of” Friday. Clever…only not at all. I need a pick-me-up today and recently few things have made me chuckle more than this website: Awkward Family Photos. So awkward, so funny.

On a positive note, a rep from Winn-Dixie asked to use my plantain photo in their training materials. The man thought it was a good shot. I was flattered! Also, my grandma’s birthday is Monday while my sis-in-law’s birthday is Wednesday along with my in-law’s anniversary- reminders that I will soon see them all. Did I mention I have many family birthdays/celebrations in August/September? I tend to repeat myself.
Tomorrow is the second annual Blue Collar BBQ and Arts Festival in Faribault, Minnesota (our neighboring town). This is an event where amateur chefs and their teams compete to see whose barbecuing skills rank supreme. I’ve heard that there is some kind of dessert contest too. There will be a beer garden, food vendors, six bands, rides for the kiddies and local artists in the downtown area. We’re meeting some friends in the afternoon and intend to have a great time. If you’re in the area, check out the festivities between 10AM and 11PM. (Proceeds benefit the Paradise Center for the Arts-the sponsor.) To find out more about the event, read this article from the local paper.
Anyone going to any fairs? Whatever you do this weekend, have a splendid time!
Woot woot!